Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Rube Watch Introduces: Simon, IT Rube

...and true April Fool

I have to admit to being stunned on discovery of this waste of bytes. I browsed, clicked and sifted but the only question that I could muster was, why?

Is this a traditional diary? Then why give it a URL? Internal record keeping? then why not post it on an intranet? For his buddies outside work and their amusement? Then why doesn't it contain any amusing information? To impress someone? Then why not embellish it a little? There can be only one explanation. We have on our hands a total Rube. But what qualifies this guy as a Rube? Well, lets examine a few of the entries...

In general Simon believes that someone will be impressed by his position as an IT manager. Of course, everyone's a manager nowadays. You can't go into a store without a nod to the door-greeting manager. Simon is now pissed that the word "manager" has been replaced by "coordinator" in the interim, since he has aspired to the title for years. Saying you're a manager is now an admission that you don't have anything worthwhile to do and have inflated your job title to fill the vacuum that is your day at the office, as can be seen in these entries.

On March 4th he admits that "...we do not have an IT department" yet announces himself the "coordinator" of the non-existent department the following day.

13 days later there is an interesting if not altogether surprising post. "Nothing much has happened for the last few days..." Hardly an advertisement for an up and coming employee who has "...been slowly working [to get to this position] over the past two years." Slowly indeed.

There follows a self-congratulatory post featuring dorky smiley face punctuation. The only thing that would be more indicative of rubeness would be a large corporate name badge with "Rube" written neatly under his face. We at Rube Watch will monitor Simon's behaviour closely for development, although I shouldn't need to look over there for about 2 weeks.


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