Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Skeeter Sings...

Inspired by Trey Wheeler's recent post on this very site, Skeeter Mays is back with the forlorn hit that's bringin a tear to the eye of many a confused Rube State-Side.
Think "Islands in the Stream", that Kenny Rogers, Dolly Parton, Rube-Classic and sing along.

Here's "Diggin fur Irony"

Diggin fur irony,
in mah backyawrd
some folks cawl me
"Fuckin slackjaw"
I cain't fahnd it
Gawdamn irony
nor unnerstand it
but ah try

they cain't fahnd 'em
and all the time
we got most of 'em
someone said "irony"
so I shot im
and buried im in mah yawrd
oh yeah

Peacenik hippy
you hate America
well ma Paw fought
in the Vietnam War
for your freedom
Hey, I cain't fahnd 'im!
where is that old coot

diggin fur irony
in mah backyawrd
found a body
"dang that's mah paw"
someone cried "irony"
still don't get it
and mah paw really smells
oh yeah


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