Friday, May 23, 2003

The Straw that Broke the Rube's Back

So you see it all started like this...

Matty, you know, our friend with the prosthesis over at Stars and Stripes, posted this childish nonsense on his website:

Sorry for not posting yesterday, but I was out celebrating 23 years of being alive. It was a good birthday and I was able to spend the day doing anything I wanted to do. I got just about everything I asked for, except for the digital camera. I'll get one later. Anyway, thanks for staying around while I was out celebrating!”

Well, you can see how this would infuriate a brother, what with the spoiled 8 year old letter to Santa “everything I wanted” shit, and the middle class certainty, despite old kickstand’s claims of poverty, that he’ll “get” that elusive and necessary digital camera later…and all this spewing from his foul smelling, right wing, conservative, isn’t equality great for white middle-classers, fungally infected gob. Well, a bit of a tiff was thus sparked on Stars and Stripes, but seeing as blogspot itself needs a good old rubing these days for being slower than Matt’s idiot brother, and thusly old Slitzy can’t reply to Matt’s latest heart breakingly scathing morally just fantastic comment…the whole sorry episode must be relived, replayed, relayed...and redirected to Rube Watch.

Me: ...except for a digital camera, a new knee, the chance to join the army, some arabs to kill, some nations to bomb, the rights of the disenfranchised, the taxes of the poor, a nigger to hang, a cross to burn. fuck you.

Pegleg: Taxes of the poor? I am one of the poor! (Told you didn’t I?) As far as "a nigger to hang, a cross to burn" I''m not sure where you get off saying those things. I''m probablly one of the most caring people I know when it comes to other people. My best friend in Colorado, my home state, is black. My best friend here in New Mexico is a Navajo. So fuck you!

Me: I''m not best friend is black.

Thought I''d never live to hear someone actually say that. But if you could you''d be "kicking ass" in Iraq with little bro? Taking the arms off of children with the rest of the armed forces. Other people? Caring? You''re a cunt Matt. A fetid stinking mouldy putrid fungal oozing cunt.

Long John Silver: I never thought I''d live to hear the day that I was called a cunt. I''m honored by this...especially considering I don''t call other people who disagree with me such names. When all logical arguments are exhausted, name calling results

And now…me:
Logical argument has not been exhausted, Captain Hook, it never started. If there was at any point, hop-along, you vaginal discharge, that you thought that my purpose was to logically argue with you, an incestuous masturbatory paralympian, then you know what? I’m truly, truly sorry to have led you limping up the garden path. There are plenty of others out there logically arguing with you and giving you such a pasting, you fucking lobotomised cuntwit, that you don’t even notice. No, Steve Austin, I’m here to mock you. As you almost got a grip on when you first posted our aim on your site…we are here to mock you and the likes of you. I’m glad you’re honoured to be called a cunt, C3PO, it gladdens my empty soul. That I’ve somehow opened your eyes, that I’ve somehow shown you what a total cunt you are, that such a term applies directly to you, that when you next pray to your cunt-god, in your cunt-house, by your semen stained cunt-bed with a picture of your brother scrunched up in your sweaty cunt-fist you’ll say a cunt thank you.


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